Crafting connections: Shyle Braithwaite on leading customer success at Ting
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Crafting connections: Shyle Braithwaite on leading customer success at Ting

In this month’s employee spotlight, Shyle Braithwaite, Senior Director of Customer Care at Ting Internet, shares insights into his career journey.

In this month’s employee spotlight, Shyle Braithwaite, Senior Director of Customer Care at Ting Internet, shares insights into his career journey and his thoughts on the future of the internet. Here’s a closer look at how Shyle helps shape the customer experience at Ting.

Can you describe a typical day in your role as Senior Director of Customer Care?

I work closely with our Chief Customer Officer, the VP of Design Delivery and the Head of Information Systems. My teams handle everything from inbound sales to customer onboarding and success operations. 

My day can vary a lot. Some days, I support and guide my leaders through OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) and other days, I collaborate with my peers to execute team objectives. This involves everything from research and analysis to deep dives into customer conversations—all to help build an amazing customer experience. 


What led you to pursue a career in customer care and success, particularly in this industry?

I’ve been in customer success or account management for almost my entire career. My first job was at a call center, which got me started in customer support. After finishing school, I moved into more marketing-focused roles and ended up in the tech space, working for agencies in Toronto.

When the opportunity to join Ting came up, I knew I had to take it. I’d been familiar with Tucows for a long time, it always seemed like a very interesting place to work. The telecom industry was new to me, but it seemed like an exciting space where I could solve real-world problems that matter to people.


The internet is constantly evolving. What excites you most about its future, and how do you see Ting playing a role in that future?

I get asked this a lot! The internet’s future is full of potential, especially around increased connectivity and innovation. It’s not just about bridging the digital divide—it’s about giving people access to opportunities. Ting plays a huge role in that, particularly by focusing on making the internet better for everyone through a free and open internet. Ting is really leading the way in ensuring more people get access to fast, reliable fiber.


What do you believe sets Ting Internet apart from other providers, especially when it comes to delivering customer care and success?

I might be biased, but I’d say it’s Ting’s simple and fair plans, best-in-class fiber to the home and the exceptional service we provide. Our customer care, sales, onboarding and success teams all play crucial roles in delivering an excellent customer experience from start to finish. We have a team that truly cares about the customer and the internet.


As someone who values connecting with others, how do you leverage technology to build and maintain strong relationships with your team and customers?

Technology is central to how we work. At Ting, we’ve embraced a remote-first culture, using tools like Slack and video conferencing to stay connected with both customers and colleagues. Whether it’s through email, chat or even automation and AI, we’re always looking for ways to enhance communication and maintain strong relationships.

That said, nothing beats face-to-face interaction. If I’m having a meaningful conversation or trying to solve a problem, jumping on a quick huddle is often the fastest way to move things forward.


What makes you proud to work at Ting, and how do you see your role contributing to the company’s mission and values?

For me, it’s all about the people. Ting is committed to enhancing our people-first culture. We’re focused on inclusion, embracing new technologies and giving back to the communities where we operate. My role plays a part in ensuring we deliver on our promises to customers, from the first interaction to the last. My team is there to support customers through every stage of their journey with Ting and that’s something I take pride in.


What advice would you offer to those just starting their careers, especially in customer success or tech?

I’d say, first, take a breath. Tech, and particularly this industry, is always changing so you have to embrace continuous learning. Develop strong communication skills, master problem-solving and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Building a strong network is also key—mentors, colleagues and industry connections can provide invaluable support.

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